Monday, October 6, 2008

Opinion: I ran out of ideas...

I just kind of ran out of ideas. I have been writing a series on opinions but I have nothing that would be too interesting... Let me do a rapid fire:
  • Government Bailout: I think it’s a bad idea.
  • Obama: very bad
  • McCain / Palin: not so bad
  • Western Digital Hard Drives: good
  • Dell Computers: good
  • Macintosh Computers: I wish...
  • iPod Touch 32 gb: super cool
  • AT&T: I hate them
  • Alltel: they rock
  • Cash: good right now
  • Stocks: bad right now
  • Frozen Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups: good
  • Dark Chocolate: bad
  • Onions: EVIL
  • Current Political Philosophy: when in doubt vote them out – necessary evil
  • Current Political Party: Conservative
  • Second Amendment: good
  • Movies out right now: nothing is out right now that’s worth a damn.
  • Mountain Bikes: I have a Trek 4300 that I need to ride a whole lot more. I just got the cleats and shoes where they lock your feet to the pedals. You have to think ahead in the event you want to stop...
  • Helmet or No Helmet while riding a bike: I hate it but I try to wear a helmet. I feel like such a geek!
  • Taxes: bad and they need to be lower and our government needs to be more responsible with OUR money.
  • Family verses Friends: Mela is my best friend so both!
  • Currently Reading: The Great and The Terrible series by Chris Stewart and Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
  • Cameras: I want a 5D Mark II - Canon all the way! The best cameras and the best lenses. Don’t waist your money one cheap glass!


Mela said...

I enjoy your thoughts!!!!

Anonymous said...

that is quite a list. very impressive. still hate onions huh?