Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm a PC

I installed Windows 7 over the weekend. I just did an in-place upgrade. I went from Vista Home Premium (32bit) to Windows 7 Home Premium (32bit). I know it’s always better to do a clean install of a new operating system but I really didn’t want to go through the iTunes mess I went through a year ago.

A clean install would have formatted my drive and I would have had to recover my extensive 324 gigabyte iTunes library from my backup drive (aka The Tank). For some reason only known to Steve Jobs iTunes makes the process of moving an iTunes library an inconsistent pain in the ___. I hate iTunes but I sold my soul... I’m an idiot and I could design a better interface than iTunes.

So, the in-place upgrade was my work-around.

The upgrade from Vista to Windows 7 worked great. No significant problems.

I really like the new taskbar. I really like the customizable libraries. All the Aero stuff looks great.

Microsoft, you done good.

1 comment:

Mela said...

Hey my PC man. I am glad you are happy with it.