Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's a BOY!

I can’t remember if I posted this on my blog or not. I know I put this on my facebook page... Mela is prego with #3.

Yesterday we found out we're having a boy!

Andrew is excited to have a younger brother. He wants to name him Lightening McQueen Mario after the movie and the game Mario Cart on the Wii. I think we may choose a different name...

Anyway, I am very excited to have another boy to be my buddy and to maintain the male majority in the Christiansen family.


Mela said...

Yay! We are so excited. I keep telling Drew that he can call his baby brother Lightning McQueen if he wants but I am not to sure if that is what I want on his birth certificate. I don't want Mario either. No offense to all those Mario's out there.

Kyle Is Neat said...

I think I will name him at his baby blessing... Mela won't know what name I will choose until the blessing. I'm thinking Moe Mattice Christiansen...

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news!!! I'm SOOOOO excited for child unit #3!