I really don’t have all that much to write about...
I went to the dentist yesterday for the first time in 10 years and I was amazed to find I am cavity free. I guess I owe my good teeth to genetics because it couldn’t be personal hygiene – 100s of gallons of diet coke and I don’t think I have ever flossed...
My kids are growing up! The Boy is a boy now and the Girl is a little girl now. There isn’t anything better than coming home from work and them running into my arms giving me hugs and kisses. I love it when my kids try to scare me. I will be standing in the kitchen and I will hear them coming down the stairs whispering to each other “let’s scare daddy...” They will sneak around the corner and go “raaar!!” I always pretend to be scared, then I chase them and tickle them. All other joys in life pale in comparison
they are little sweeties aren't they!
I love when my kids do stufflike that too. One night (a few weeks ago)... Mimi laid on my side of the bed under the covers.. (hiding from me). Quinn was already in bed. So I pretended not to know she was there and laid down on top of her and then acted surprised to find her in my bed. This tickled her silly! She laughed and laughed. It makes times like these worth everything it takes to be a parent. :)
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